Introducing The Prince of Hearts, a captivating and enchanting candle inspired by the mysterious Jacks from Once Upon a Broken Heart. With its mesmerizing blend of crisp apple and hints of magic, this candle is sure to transport you to a world of wonder and intrigue. Imagine yourself wandering through cold, moonlit nights as the aroma of this candle envelops your senses, leaving you feeling both intrigued and comforted. Whether you're a fan of the book or simply drawn to the scent of apples and magic, The Prince of Hearts is the perfect addition to your candle collection. Indulge in the magic of this captivating fragrance and let the scent of adventure fill your home.
“It smelled of him, of apples and magic and cold, moonlit nights. He really did smell good.”
-Stephanie Garber, Once Upon A Broken Heart
Height - 3.52 inches
Diameter - 2.88 inches
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